Hi, Stef. There is only a loose correlation between the devclass directory and the volume directories. Would you please post the output of:
q vol /home/app/tsm/diskpool/diskpool13/diskpool/0000297D.BFS On 4/17/2013 2:42 AM, Stef Coene wrote:
Hi, We have a strange storage pool problem. POOL48 is next storage pool of DISKPOOL. Both are from type FILE. The output of q stgp is not very clear, but you can see that POOL48 is next storage pool of DISKPOOL: Storage Device Estimated Pct Pct High Low Next Stora- Pool Name Class Name Capacity Util Migr Mig Mig ge Pool Pct Pct ----------- ---------- ---------- ----- ----- ---- --- ----------- DISKPOOL FILE_DISK- 15.699 G 87,2 87,2 100 99 POOL48 POOL POOL48 FILE_POOL- 9.878 G 29,5 29,5 90 70 48 However, when we start migration, the data is written from pool DISKPOOL to DISKPOOL just like a reclamation!: 442 Migration Volume /home/app/tsm/diskpool/diskpool16/diskpoo- l/000008C8.BFS (storage pool DISKPOOL), Moved Files: 73, Moved Bytes: 768,089,649, Unreadable Files: 0, Unreadable Bytes: 0. Current Physical File (bytes): 30,412,763 Current input volume: /home/app/tsm/diskpool/diskpool16/diskpool/0000- 08C8.BFS. Current output volume(s): /home/app/tsm/diskpool/diskpool13/diskpool/0000- 297D.BFS. The files in /home/app/tsm/diskpool/ are all from DISKPOOL. POOL48 has his files in an other directory: >From "q devcl file_pool48 f=d": Directory: /home/app/tsm/pool48/diskpool20/diskpool And of course DISKPOOL is never migrated to POOL48. How can this happen? Stef