"UPDATE STG pool1 ACC=UNAVAIL"  would tell TSM not to try to use that 
particular storage pool. That might be heavy-handed in normal operations, but 
it works well in DR situations. 

What problem are you really trying to solve? :-) You're going to have the same 
"rehydrate" performance penalty whether it's VTL or NFS, for example. 


On Apr 14, 2013, at 4:22 AM, Grigori Solonovitch 
<grigori.solonovi...@ahliunited.com> wrote:

> Configuration:
> -          TSM Server AIX 7.1-01-06;
> -          Primary pools are on Data Domain VTL, copy pools on FILE storage 
> pools out of Data Domain.
> Is there any way to control which pool (primary, copy 1, copy 2, ...) is used 
> during restore operations?
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Grigori G. Solonovitch
> Senior Systems Architect  Ahli United Bank Kuwait  www.ahliunited.com.kw

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