Here are some reporting tools that are part of TSM and are available at no 
additional charge. The Operational Reporting Facility was available as part of 
TSM v5 and it is still most applicable to TSM v6. Tivoli Common Reporting 
became available with TSM version 6. The ORF still provides a very useful 
operational reporting capability. IBM development has published a flash on 
making the v5 ORF work with v6 servers. See http :// www -01. ibm .com/support/ 
docview . wss ? uid =swg27019794 – If you want to use TCR , then please use the 
6.3 version and not any earlier version. Download from ftp://service.boulder. 
(pick your platform) - it is aimed at management and TSM Administrator 
reporting and perhaps not so much at operational reporting. All this will 
change in the near term to moderate term future – see http :// www . youtube 
.com/watch?v= iN _ hDIgmfic - suggest you watch it full screen as some of the 
screen images are small. 


Joerg Pohlmann 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Hans Christian Riksheim " < bullhcr @ GMAIL .COM> 
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:06:59 AM 
Subject: [ADSM-L] State of TSM Reporting 


we are going away from perl and want to install a reporting feature 
for our TSM servers. What is the current state of TSM Reporting? I got 
burned the last time I touched this but that was some years ago. 

Is it of acceptable quality today or is something new and better 
around the corner? Or should I just go for a 3rd party solution. 


Hans Chr . 

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