Hi Gary, HSM for Windows is organizing its data in user-defined file spaces. That is different from what you know from the Backup-Archive client. The BA is creating its file spaces automatically based on the name of the host and the volume. In HSM for Windows you have to create your own file space, like 'HSM-drive-g' and specify that as target file space for your migration. With that you have the option to store all data from all volumes in one big file space. That's not recommended by me as this is making queries slower. Most customers have one file space per volume. You also may chose to migrate all your office documents to a file space called like 'office-docs' and all your videos to a file space called like 'movies' and so on.
If you want to get rid of all data from your G: drive, you do not have to use reconcile. You can use the command line tool dsmclc, which is located in the HSM client's install directory. That's by default on an English system "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\hsmclient". The syntax for deletion everything that was migrated from G: is "dsmclc delete -g <your file space name> <your drive letter> * *" If your file space name is HSM-drive-G the command will look like: "dsmclc delete -g HSM-drive-G G: * * " This will delete everything to the TSM server that was stored in the file space 'HSM-drive-G' and that was located at the time of migration in a path starting with the drive letter G: . If you want to verify before what data is there, you can replace the keyword "delete" by "list". In the example above it is like: "dsmclc list -g HSM-drive-G G: * * " With that you will receive a full list of all files that have been migrated from your G: drive into that file space. In case you do not know the name of the used file space, use the dsmclc command to get a list of all file spaces and run the list or delete command after that for each file space. The command to get a list of all file spaces is: "dsmclc listfilespaces * " However before you really delete things, I rather would like to understand the errors you are receiving. As far as I understand the situation, deleting the data from TSM will not resolve the errors. So I think I am missing a piece in the puzzle. Regarding your other questions: There is an FAQ on the web for HSM for Windows and it's UNIX counterpart TSM for Space Management. Here is the link: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21474412 I hope it has some valuable information for you. If something is missing or not clear to understand, please let me know. I will try to improve it in that case. And finally the hardware mappings: HSM is storing the data on TSM with their original names. That means with the name of the file at the time of migration. That file name includes the host or cluster name as well as the drive letter. In case you are changing a drive letter, your host or cluster name or you take a disk from one host and put it into another host, some HSM operations will not work as expected. This especially includes reconcile. If you want to get some more explanation about this, may be you start another thread on the forum. Mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards Stefan Bender IBM Software Group, Tivoli Software Development "Tivoli Storage Manager" From: "Lee, Gary" <g...@bsu.edu> To: ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu, Date: 03/07/2013 19:37 Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] hsm for windows problem Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu> I am able to use the command line tools. The problem is that a partition (drive g:) has been removed. The data is no longer needed. I would like to remove it from hsm and the tsm server. I believe this would involve setting up the g: volume for a reconcile. I will also have other questions as time goes along. Are there any case studies or best practice documents? Also, how to make different drives do their hsm to different file spaces? And What are, and how do I create hardware mappings? These are just some. The reconciliation is the most urgent. Thank you for your assistance. Gary Lee Senior System Programmer Ball State University phone: 765-285-1310 -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Stefan Bender Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 8:22 AM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] hsm for windows problem Hi Gary, can you explain me a little more detail about the errors you are seeing? What kind of operation in causing the problem? What is failing? You say the GUI is not available for you. Are you able to use the command line tools of HSM for Windows? Mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards Stefan Bender IBM Software Group, Tivoli Software Development "Tivoli Storage Manager" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH / Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats: Martina Koederitz Geschäftsführung: Dirk Wittkopp Sitz der Gesellschaft: Böblingen / Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 243294 From: "Lee, Gary" <g...@bsu.edu> To: ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu, Date: 03/05/2013 08:27 AM Subject: [ADSM-L] hsm for windows problem Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu> Hsm for windows 6.3.1, tsm server 6.2.4. HSM for windows configured on a server. The server admin destroyed a partition without letting any one know. Now hsm is complaining that drive g: cannot be found. How do I get rid of all files from drive g: and make hsm forget it ever existed. The gui is not available to me, and I must say, this does not seem to be nearly as mature a product as tsm. Any hints are appreciated. Gary Lee Senior System Programmer Ball State University phone: 765-285-1310