Hi all,
I have a strange situations I try to understand.
We have 2 x Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 DAG clusters and we have the same 
issue on both of them.
We are running TSM Client Version and TSM for Exchange with TSM 
Server because of we want to get hold of the new DAG Node functionality.

When we try to backup our DAG databases (Active or Passive) we got a strange 
In the new TDP MMC GUI (FCM) does TSM tell us error code ACN5073E None of the 
storage groups entered are in a state to be backed up.
But tdpexc.log tell us error code ACN6068I <DAGDB> is being backed up by a 
different server - skipping.

When I verify in TSM no one are backing up any databases at the moment so TSM 
are totally quite.
I go in to each DAG Server and verify that TSM/FCM or any other products are 
active, and I also run DISKSHADOW to verify so VSS are not holding any 

I have also try to unmounts the databases and remount them with no success.

I have also verify that all VSSADMIN LIST WRITERS are active that explains in 
following MS link.

When I run a trace on the TDPEXECC command then does it match following IBM 
link but accept that our servername are in upper case instead of lower case.

But I look in the trace file and it also complain on a registry key
registry.cpp        ( 193): error opening HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or 
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT with a pathkey of 
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 473): Enter CIfcService::isServiceRunning()
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 431): Enter CIfcService::initializeData()
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 457): Exit CIfcService::initializeData()
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 218): Enter CIfcService::openService()
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 150): Enter CIfcService::openScm()
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 173): Exit CIfcService::openScm()
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 244): Exit CIfcService::openService()
..\..\..\..\common\nls\amsgrtrv.cpp(3332): Searching for message number: 5304
..\..\..\..\common\nls\amsgrtrv.cpp(1651): ReadIndex: indexOffset = 10670
..\..\..\..\common\nls\amsgrtrv.cpp(1677): ReadIndex: msgIndex = 1390
..\..\..\..\common\nls\amsgrtrv.cpp(4931): ReadMsg: recOffset = 88896 (15B40)
..\..\..\..\common\nls\amsgrtrv.cpp(4973): ReadMsg: Msg hdr = 3930 : 3039
..\..\..\..\common\nls\amsgrtrv.cpp(4989): ReadMsg: Severity = 6, Length = 57, 
resplen= 0
..\..\..\..\common\nls\amsgrtrv.cpp(5038): ReadMsg: prefixLen = 9
..\..\..\..\common\nls\amsgrtrv.cpp(3390): Deleting message: 153 from the cache.
..\..\..\..\common\nls\amsgrtrv.cpp(3398): Adding message: 5304 to the cache.
..\..\..\..\common\nls\amsgrtrv.cpp(2718): return from nlOrderInsert (char), 
msgLen 64:
agtmem.cpp          ( 398): AGENT DSMEM(-) Addr 000000001DE93170 File 
..\..\..\common\winnt\pssrvuts.cpp Line 496
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 187): Enter CIfcService::closeService()
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 201): Exit CIfcService::closeService()
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 538): Exit CIfcService::isServiceRunning()
psexcut2.cpp        (1538): scm.isServiceRunning() returned message: ACN5304E 
Unable to open service to determine if running or not.

registry.cpp        ( 155): Enter getSzValue()
registry.cpp        ( 193): error opening HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or 
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT with a pathkey of 
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 473): Enter CIfcService::isServiceRunning()
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 431): Enter CIfcService::initializeData()
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 457): Exit CIfcService::initializeData()
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 218): Enter CIfcService::openService()
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 150): Enter CIfcService::openScm()
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 173): Exit CIfcService::openScm()
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 244): Exit CIfcService::openService()
..\..\..\..\common\nls\amsgrtrv.cpp(3332): Searching for message number: 5304
..\..\..\..\common\nls\amsgrtrv.cpp(3347): Found message: 5304 in cache.
..\..\..\..\common\nls\amsgrtrv.cpp(2718): return from nlOrderInsert (char), 
msgLen 64:
agtmem.cpp          ( 398): AGENT DSMEM(-) Addr 000000001DE93170 File 
..\..\..\common\winnt\pssrvuts.cpp Line 496
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 187): Enter CIfcService::closeService()
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 201): Exit CIfcService::closeService()
pssrvuts.cpp        ( 538): Exit CIfcService::isServiceRunning()
psexcut2.cpp        (1574): scm.isServiceRunning() returned message: ACN5304E 
Unable to open service to determine if running or not

Any suggestions how to continue or ideas why I can't backup my Exchange DAG 
databases anymore?

Thanks and see you at Pulse 2013
Christian Svensson

Best Regards
Christian Svensson

Cell: +46-70-325 1577
E-mail: christian.svens...@cristie.se<mailto:christian.svens...@cristie.se>
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