Hello Wanda,

The current version of Data Protection for Exchange
does not manage the backups from different servers together.
The best practice in the book says:

   "Backups for a given database should be run from the
    same Exchange server, if possible. Backups performed from
    different Exchange servers are managed separately."

This is not ideal, we understand and have taken steps to make it better.

In the Data Protection for Exchange version 6.4 that will
be generally available this Friday (11/16), we have enhanced
the Exchange 2010 DAG support. We have resolved this limitation.
You will be able to back up your Exchange 2010 DAG databases
from any server and they will be managed as a single entity
on the TSM Server.




"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu> wrote on 11/13/2012
09:23:51 PM:

> From: "Prather, Wanda" <wanda.prat...@icfi.com>
> To: ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu,
> Date: 11/13/2012 09:28 PM
> Subject: Exchange 2010, DAGs, and Proxies?  (oh my...)
> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu>
> Backing up two Exchange 2010 servers with the 6.3 TDP for Exchange,
> TSM 6.2.3 server on Windows.
> There are 6 mail data bases.  Half the mailboxdb's are active, half
> passive on each server.
> I installed the TDP on each server, and we specify /EXCLUDEDAGACTIVE
> so that only the passive copies are backed up.
> What I've noticed is that over time, these 2 servers have taken up
> much more space on the TSM server than I expected.
> What has happened is that the active mailboxdb's have switched back
> and forth between the servers.
> Over time, I've gotten copies of all 6 mailboxdb's backed up under
> each node name.
> And I assume that whatever the Exchange admins are doing will continue.
> Would it make sense to set up a proxy relationship so that both the
> Exchange TDPs are backing up the mailboxdb's to the same node name?
> That would cut back my TSM server storage when the mailboxdb's flop
> But the TDP book says for restores:
> The restore operation must be run on the node where the backup was
> I don't know if in this case "node" just refers to the TSM nodename,
> or if there is something about Exchange itself so that a restore
> from a proxied name doesn't work?  Is proxied a proper verb?
> Anybody else run into this?
> Wanda Prather  |  Senior Technical Specialist  | wanda.prat...@icfi.com
> www.icfi.com
> ICF International  | 401 E. Pratt St, Suite 2214, Baltimore, MD
> 21202 | 410.539.1135 (o)

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