i sure this is really simple but i'm missing it. i setup tsm4ve 6.3 according to install guide. using the following;
datacenter STCVBLOCK datacenter node STCVBLOCK_DC datamovers LIN_VE_DM1,LIN_VE_DM2 everything works using the dsmc (-asnode=STCVBLOCK_DC) and vcli (see below) commands. but the Vcenter plugin isn't using the correct TSM nodes. plugin summary is showing: name: STCVBLOCK TSM node name: STCVBLOCK TSM node data mover nodes: STCVBLOCK_DC i would think the plugin is getting the configuration from /home/tdpvmware/tdpvmware/config/profile, but this looks like it's set correctly. VE_DATACENTER_NAME STCVBLOCK::STCVBLOCK_DC were are the tsm node names set for the vCenter plugin? Many Thanks. vmcli -f inquire_config -t TSM #TASK 867 inquire_config 20121018121056320 #PARAM INSTALLED=TSM #RUN 867 20121018121056320 #LANG en_US #PARAM BACKEND=TSM #PARAM OPERATION_TYPE 4 #PHASE_COUNT 4 #PHASE PREPARE #PARAM BACKUP_TYPE=0 #PARAM TSM_SERVER_NAME= #PARAM TSMCLI_NODE_NAME=VBLOCKVCLI #PARAM VCENTER_NODE_NAME=PWINCOR100 #PARAM DATACENTER_NODE_NAME= #PARAM OFFLOAD_HOST_NAME= #PARAM TSM_OPTFILE=/tmp/T4VE_X9vJb2 #PARAM INPUT_FILE= #PARAM TRACEFILE= #PARAM TRACEFLAGS= #PHASE INITIALIZE #PHASE INQUIRE_DATACENTER_NODES #CHILD datacenternode:STCVBLOCK::STCVBLOCK_DC #PARENT vcenternode:PWINCOR100 #CHILD datacenternode:STCVBLOCK::STCVBLOCK #PARENT vcenternode:PWINCOR100 #PHASE INQUIRE_PROXY_NODES #CHILD targetnode:STCVBLOCK_DC #PARENT peernode:LIN_VE_DM1 #CHILD hladdress: #PARENT peernode:LIN_VE_DM1 #CHILD lladdress:46703 #PARENT peernode:LIN_VE_DM1 #CHILD targetnode:STCVBLOCK_DC #PARENT peernode:LIN_VE_DM2 #CHILD hladdress: #PARENT peernode:LIN_VE_DM2 #CHILD lladdress:57686 #PARENT peernode:LIN_VE_DM2 #PARAM STATUS=success #END RUN 867 20121018121059793 #END TASK 867 #INFO FMM16014I The return code is 0. #END ----------------------------------------- NOTICE: This communication is intended only for the person or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential, proprietary, and/or privileged material. Unless you are the intended addressee, any review, reliance, dissemination, distribution, copying or use whatsoever of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you received this in error, please reply immediately and delete the material from all computers. Email sent through the Internet is not secure. Do not use email to send us confidential information such as credit card numbers, PIN numbers, passwords, Social Security Numbers, Account numbers, or other important and confidential information.