Please find below initial information about the TSM Symposium to be hosted by University of Cologne and Guide Share Europe (GSE German Region) in September of next year.
Thanks and best regards, Claus --- 11th GSE TSM Symposium 2013 Tivoli Storage Manager : Future Expectations Hilton Gendarmenmarkt Berlin, 17.-20. September 2013 Call for papers Call for exhibitors Call for sponsorship Background: Following the ADSM-Workshops (starting 1994 at Karlsruhe University), the well-received ADSM/TSM-Symposia (since 1999) at Oxford University and the last TSM-Symposia at the Grandhotel Petersberg in 2009 and the Hilton Dresden Hotel near the Frauenkirche in the Old town of Dresden in 2011, in 2013 the University of Cologne together with Guide Share Europe is hosting the eleventh TSM Symposium from September 17th through September 20th. The Symposium will be held in the Hilton Gendarmenmarkt Hotel in the center of Berlin. It will have been two years since the last Symposium in Dresden and there will be plenty of Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) related topics to talk about. This is your chance to join us in benefitting from the innovations, the new and changed functionality in the recent and upcoming versions and to hear what is expected to be implemented in TSM over the next couple of years. Come along and keep up with the very latest features and plans of the TSM-team within IBM, gain hints and tips on upgrading your archive and backup services, learn how to exploit the forthcoming new functionality, and acquire additional technical insight into TSM. Take full advantage of the presentations from IBM Development, as well as contributions from other experienced and established TSM users. Best of all, meet and get to know peer professionals in an open, informal atmosphere. How to make a contribution: We are seeking technical contributions in the form of papers and presentations from the TSM user community - the system managers and administrators who are arguably the real TSM experts - and this is an excellent chance to share your knowledge and wisdom. Possible topics / Ideas for a contribution * Experiences / Usage Scenarios * Protection of virtualized environments * Data Protection products for applications (databases, mail, SAP) * NDMP Backup and Restore Scenarios * Dealing with Growth: HSM, Deduplication, ... * New Tape and Library Technologies * Data Security - Data shredding / Encryption * Dealing with the Cloud: CRUD devices and Big Data Technical contributions from TSM solution architects and related storage system vendors are also sought: this is an opportunity to demonstrate the flexibility and extensibility of TSM. The conference language will be English. All talks will have to be held in English language. Information for Exhibitors and Sponsors: We also offer excellent opportunities for exhibiting at the Symposium. Your company may support the symposium by becoming an exhibitor or sponsor. This will be a fine opportunity to show your company's supportive engagement in TSM at many places during the conference and on the conference materials (bags, badges and such). Please see the registration web-pages for details and options available. Calendar: Open-Now Call for papers Open-Now Call for exhibitors Open-Now Call for sponsorship 4th March 13 Registration open 30th April Paper abstracts due 15th May Notification of Speakers 14th June Registration closes 16th August Final papers due 17th September Symposium begins The technical committee comprises: # Gerd Becker, Empalis GmbH # Kirsten Glöer, FIZ Karlsruhe # Peter Groth, BTB GmbH # Claus Kalle, University of Cologne # Peter Micke, FRITZ & MACZIOL GmbH Conference Layout: The symposium will be held at the Hilton Gendarmenmarkt Berlin Hotel, with early arrivals' registration opening on the afternoon of Tuesday 17 September 2013 adjacent to the 46th convention of GSE's AK-SMS. The exhibitions will be open and the exhibitors will give their introductory presentations before hosting an evening reception. The symposium presentations will start early on the following morning Wednesday 18 September 2013, and conclude at lunchtime on Friday 20 September 2013. Accommodation for 3 nights in the Hilton Dresden is included in the basic symposium registration package for EUR 1150 EUR for GSE Members and EUR 1390 for non GSE Members (the price for non GSE Members includes a one year membership fee of GSE). All meals and social events are included. All arrangements will be handled thru the German Chapter of the GSE,, c/o BTB GmbH Wilhelm-Haas-Strasse 6, 70771 Leinfelden, Phone +49 711 9753 113. The contact and registration web pages available later under give additional offerings with details. We look forward to meeting you at the Symposium. In meanwhile, please consider whether you can make a contribution to the success of this popular event by presenting a paper yourself? The Symposium gains it's life from your kind contribution... Best Regards, Claus -- Claus Kalle, Universitaet zu Koeln, RRZK i i Leiter Abteilung Systeme I I E-Mail: M M Fon: 0221 470 89581 /IIIII\ Fax: -currently unavailable- MiMiMiM Snail-Mail: Weyertal 121, 50931 Koeln MIMiMiM