I thought I'd throw this out there for ideas since I'm just being exposed to NAS backpus and restores. I believe I got a previous post yesterday figured out and was finally able to move on to testing a restore. Now I'm getting a different error but I'm a bit confused as to why. I went through lots of config and permissions info already with a valuable source and got these errors once that was complete.
Here's what I did once I was able to see the vol the data needs to be restored to. 1. open the web gui, login with an admin id to restore some NAS data. 2. Used point in time to define which Full would have this nodes data on. At this point the server mounted a tape to display the TOC. 3. I found the client machine in which I wanted to restore data and checked the "C" drive to restore. 4. Selected a vol from the dropdown to restore to and clicked restore. 5. Within a few seconds I received a popup with the error "Server media mount not possible. I watched this process from the TSM server and during step 2 I watched the server mount the tape to draw the TOC from. While the tape was still mounted, Idle, I clicked the restore and while waiting saw the tape was still idle and at that point received the error. Within a few seconds the tape dismounted, which makes me believe it was not requested for anything. I tried this a second time with a completely different node and file and can see in the activity log it tried to mount a tape that was not available in the library. Interestingly enough I received the same error message but it I see in the activity log the tape it was looking for. I tried a second time to restore the node I really need data from. This time the TOC seemed to be still in memory so it did not mount the tape initially. When I actually started the restore I watched the server again and it never even received a request to mount a tape. No mount messages, no tape unavailable messages in the logs and it failed immediately also. I'm confused as to why no tape mount request happened either time and it's more confusing because there WAS a tape mounted to build the TOC. I assume the rest of the data is on that tape, and it proves the system is actually mounting tapes, but even if the data spans multiple tapes there is no indication in the logs stating a tape is not available. Anyone have any idea what else I can look at? I already have an open PMR which I will continue to work on tomorrow but I thought I'd throw this out there anyway. Thank You Geoff Gill