We installed TSM and then performed initial full backups for client
systems. Some of the clients were new and some had previously been sending
backups to a TSM 5.5 server.

-----Robert J Molerio <robert.mole...@nyu.edu> wrote: -----

>To: thomas.den...@jeffersonhospital.org
>From: Robert J Molerio <robert.mole...@nyu.edu>
>Date: 10/01/2012 11:35
>Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Version 6 startup after OS crash
>Just wondering. 
>Was this a new install of TSM on zLinux or a migration from the zOS
>TSM 5.5 version?
>On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 10:22 AM, Thomas Denier
><thomas.den...@jeffersonhospital.org> wrote:
>We have a zSeries Linux system with two TSM server
>One instance is a dedicated library manager with a small database.
>The other instance is used to store client data. The Linux system
>crashed yesterday. Once it was brought back up the library manager
>instance started without incident. The other instance was started
>after the library manager began to accept administrative client
>connections. The second instance is still not accepting
>client connections some twelve hours later.
>Based on a discussion of crash recovery I found on the Web, I
>logged on as the instance user and executed the Linux command
>'db2pd -recovery -db TSMDB1'. The response is 'Database is not
>in recovery state.'
>I have opened a severity 1 problem call with IBM.
>Thomas Denier
>Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

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