*"Could you monitor the TSM sessions and ensure that if one is still going
it it put on hold from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm during the work week."*

Yes, the above sentence is what I have been tasked with.

Some back-story........

We have some non-local nodes that often backup terabytes of data, thereby
sometimes running for >16-hours and often many days.  Unfortunately, due to
their physical location and other networking issues, their traffic comes
across a 10/100 connection. We recently had some "networking slowdowns" and
someone noticed a large amount of traffic across this switch (never mind
the problem was actually diagnosed to be a firewall problem....) .....
 even-though this has been happening for a long, long time.  So, TSM has
become the whipping-boy for network related slowdowns (<2% of the TSM nodes
are not local/on private GB connection)

I am not aware of a server-side function/process that can kill a running
backup (never-mind that a physical body will have to check active backup
sessions and figure out which might cause problems) and stop the node from
reconnecting almost immediately (unless something has changed, you can't
update a node to lock it while it is active).

*Zoltan Forray*
TSM Software & Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services
zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807
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