I'm able to restore some, but most of them. especially from the same
datacenter fail with a very specific error message:

" A specified parameter was not correct"

Windows 2008 R2 server with the TSM 6.3 client loaded trying to restore VM's
at a hot site. I just batch tried 39 different VM's and they all failed with
this error.

VMware vStorage API error.

TSM Function visdkWaitForTask

TSM File vmvisdk.cpp (3785)

API return code 60

API error message "A specified parameter was not correct"

And vCenter doesn't tell me any more than that, either!!

Anyone seen this error or figured out a way to "guess" what vCenter doesn't

Bill Boyer
DSS, Inc.
(610) 927-4407
"Enjoy life. It has an expiration date." - ??

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