> This is a sample at the time of slowdown:
> hdiskpower7     66.4 551.0K 134.4 549.8K   1.2K  14:36:30

Look at the actual hdisk (not hdiskpower) in the iostat output.  It should
have a avg/min/max response time for reads and writes.  The below is ugly,
but this is what I keep for some of our TSM servers.

Disks:                     xfers                                read
    write                                  queue                    time
 ------------- --------------------------------
------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
-------------------------------------- ---------
                 %tm    bps   tps  bread  bwrtn   rps    avg    min    max
time fail   wps    avg    min    max time fail    avg    min    max   avg
avg  serv
                 act                                    serv   serv   serv
outs              serv   serv   serv outs        time   time   time  wqsz
sqsz qfull
hdisk142         4.5   2.0M   7.8   1.1M 858.2K   4.3   4.2    0.2  221.4
  0    0   3.4   8.1    0.5  150.3     0    0   0.0    0.0    0.6    0.0
0.0   0.0  00:15:08    vgtsmstg
hdisk140         0.0   0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0
  0    0   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0     0    0   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
0.0   0.0  00:15:08    vgtsmstg


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