you need to use "remove replnode xxx" on both servers.

Alex Heindl

Von:    Robert Ouzen <>
Datum:  16.04.2012 08:32
Betreff:        [ADSM-L] Question about Tsm replication on V6.3
Gesendet von:   "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>


I have just test the new feature on TSM server 6.3 "Tsm Replication" on my 
test environment , works fine very pleased ?

A little question when trying to delete the nodename who was replicated on 
the  target server , I always get that ii can't be remove still in 
replicate status

I update the node on both side( Source an target) with replstate=disabled

I also set replserver with none parameter to reset it on the source server
I reset crossdefine off on both side (Source, Target)

But still can't remove the node on the target server !

Regards Robert

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