After upgradng TSM V5 servers to lstest maintenance level including The Server 
Update package we have found no problems at all on exporting data to TSM V6.x 
servers. Without having the server upgrade package installed, in one situation 
I've got an error transferring non-unicode data.

Ullrich Mänz
Teamleader IBM System z

FRITZ & MACZIOL Software und Computervertrieb GmbH
Ludwig Str. 180D, 63067 Offenbach, Germany

Mobil:  +49 170 7678434
Fax:  +49 69 38013500 10


Amtsgericht Ulm, Handelsregister-Nummer: HRB 1936
Geschäftsführer: Heribert Fritz, Frank Haines
Inhaber: Imtech N.V., Gouda, Niederlande

----- Originalnachricht -----
Von: Dan Olson []
Gesendet: 08.03.2012 23:03 CST
Betreff: [ADSM-L] Server to server export problem

I'm having an issue with a server-server export from 5.4 on AIX to 6.3 on 
Linux.   I'm getting verb errors.  I probably need to either upgrade the source 
server or downgrade the destination.

Does anyone know if server to server export from 5.5 to 6.3 works properly?
The documentation on export compatibility is really lacking.

Daniel Murphy-Olson
Systems Administrator
Mathematics & Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory

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