This works on

select volume_name,stgpool_name,access,pct_utilized,est_capacity_mb,
cast(day(current_timestamp-last_write_date) as decimal) as "Days",
status,access,last_write_date,substr(char(last_write_date),1,19) as "Last 
Write" from volumes 
where status='FILLING' and access!='UNAVAILABLE' and access='OFFSITE' 
and 60 < cast(day(current_timestamp-last_write_date) as decimal)

- Margaret

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of 
Huebner,Andy,FORT WORTH,IT
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2012 1:40 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] TSM 6.2 SQL statement

We run this and other SQL statements that return dates in the form of days.  
This SQL query works on 5.4, but does not work on 6.2.  I am hoping one of the 
more SQL savvy admins can quickly help me with this so I can fix the rest of 
the queries we use.

The lines that don't work and I do not know how to translate are:

(current_timestamp - last_write_date)days as "Days"
and cast((current_timestamp - last_write_date)days as decimal(6,0)) \> 60  \

select volume_name, \
                   stgpool_name, PCT_UTILIZED, EST_CAPACITY_MB, \
                   (current_timestamp - last_write_date)days as "Days", \
                   status, access, last_write_date,  \
                   cast ((last_write_date) as date) as "Last Write"  \
                   from volumes \
                   where status = 'FILLING' \
                   and access != 'UNAVAILABLE' and access = 'OFFSITE' \
                   and cast((current_timestamp - last_write_date)days as 
decimal(6,0)) \> 60  \
                   order by last_write_date


Andy Huebner

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