Also Just to be sure I am correct

When exporting windows clients that are also SQL the following command will 
also export the SQL stuff over as well correct?

export node  xxxxxx filedata=all toserver=tsmserver will export

the SQL Domain just has to match on the Target TSM server correct?


From: Hughes, Timothy
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 9:26 AM
Subject: windows client t won't export or cancel

Hi All,

I am exporting clients from one TSM server to another and  I having a problem 
with a client for some reason it won't export and when I try to cancel the 
process it won't cancel.   It says cancel progress even though I canceled it  
over 24hrs ago.  This is the second time this has happened this week, 
fortunately we had  TSM server maintence the other day and had to bring Down 
the TSM which finally got rid of the process.

-------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------
       9 EXPORT NODE          ANR1358I Export Identifier: EXPORT_NODE_9
                               ANR0647I Cancel in progress

EXPORT_NODE_9        02/15/12   Running not         9 export node downy
                      13:23:29   suspendible           filedata=all

other information

The command I used was>>>>export node downy filedata=all toserver=tsmcore3

TSM Server version 6.2.2  Aix 6.1

Thanks for any help!

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