1.-  In version 6.3, when you have finished the configuration. DP for VE 
include the Vcenter plug-in. When you open the Vcenter Client, then  plugins 
and you select  TDP for VE plugin,  this will be connect to DP for VE machine 
to show the configuration, wizards, etc. DP for VE has an ewas and a derby db. 
Then you don't need to install anything in the Vcenter machine. you only need a 
backup proxy. 

2.- DP for VE uses  a Vmware CBT  ( Change Block Tracking) , then if you have 
one machine with 100 GB but only 10 uses , DP for VE backups only 10. 

3.- You can use Client dedup instead of server dedup. At this moment I have in 
my installation Client dedup and it works ok. 

4.- In big installations, you can have more than one backup proxy. Then, the 
limitation is the week full backup. If you have a GB network it is possible 
split the backups fulls and incrementals during all week. But if you use a 
physical backup proxy you can run lanfree, this advantage can save quickly a 
lot of VMs, but you won't have client dedup nor TSM server dedup.

5.- DP for VMware restores files only if you have installed the mount ( this is 
like fastback) in the servers. By default, you can restore in the backup proxy 
machine and send the files to the others clients. If you want t restore files 
or restore volumes you must have installed the mount in the vm tsm client. 

I hope this help,


 De: "Prather, Wanda" <wprat...@icfi.com>
Enviado: viernes 13 de enero de 2012 3:47
Asunto: Re: Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments
I too find the VE-book to be terminology-challenged.

1) Why does the doc show a "vstorage backup server (the proxy) " and also a "DP 
for VMWare Vcenter Plug-in Server".  
Is there a requirement for these to be 2 different machines? And if so why?

2) VE supposedly takes advantage of the VMWare API to do block-level 
incrementals, I get that.  When you do fulls, is there any performance 
improvement over the old VCB full backup? Is it still just a case of hauling 
the entire vmdk file across the network?

3) VDR is able to dedup the fulls.  Is VE able to do that, or is the only dedup 
capability post-process on the TSM storage pool side?

4) The comments here imply you guys see the need for a physical proxy/backup 
server; the doc says it can be a VM.  What up wid dat?
What are the cases where you would use a VM as the proxy?

Thanks for any insight!


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Shawn 
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments

Answers in-line

Shawn Drew


01/09/2012 03:35 PM
Please respond to


Re: [ADSM-L] Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments

Some questions that we could not easily glean answer from the docs:

- I think the current vocabulary is in question.  it seems to be called a 
"backup server" but that confuses it with the TSM server, I think.  It used to 
be called a backup proxy, so I may use that word instead.  It is basically a 
media server.

1.  What are the specs/requirements for the "vStorage/Backup Server" that we 
will have to build?
- This is in there under chapter 2.  Basically a physical win2008/2003 server.  
or a linux server, although I believe linux support (for a backup
proxy) is brand new in 6.3.  I wouldn't mess with it.

Other than that, you will need:
- at least one HBA for the incoming SAN data if you will be using the SAN for 
incoming data
- at least one HBA for the outgoing SAN data (if you will be using
- Network connection to the vcenter servers for control.
- We are not using lan-free on the "outgoing" side so we have an additional 
ethernet connection here.  You may be able to replace the "incoming" with 
ethernet as well, but not sure.

2.  What network requirements are there?  Our TSM backup servers are on a 
completely different subnet then the VMWare servers.  Network rules will have 
to be modified.

- SAN - backup proxy needs to be zoned to all the same luns as the ESX servers 
and your Lan-free tape drives/VTL if applicable
- LAN - If you are doing all the data transfer over the san, you will still 
need network connections for control and the vCenter plugin

3.  What, if anything, needs to be installed on the Host or Guest systems?
- Nothing on the Guest.  The Host (im assuming you mean the backup proxy), TSM 
client, TSM for VE (which includes the recovery agent and vcenter

4.  What do I need to do TSM server-wise?
- Nothing special.   TSM6+ is needed for the Vcenter plugin to work
properly and the subcommand scheduling.
You will have to register the assign proxynode access as described in the manual

5.  Do I need to put up a new TSM server or can I use one already in 
production?  I have never done LAN-FREE and not sure where to start?  My TSM 
servers use fibre-channel for tape drives (shared among 7-servers).
Many moons ago I remember a sub-product called SANERGY but it wanted exclusive 
control of tape drives via a mini-psuedo TSM server.  We can't afford to 
dedicate tape drives exclusively to such a process.

- Lan-free is a separate topic.  But if you only have tape drives and no VTL, 
you need to decide if you want to tie up the tape drives to these backup 
processes.  I decided not to, and am not using Lan-free. (for the outgoing 
data)  (We are backing up to a data domain over NFS) But you will then need to 
have the proper LAN resources.

Thanks for the tip on "diskpart" but I am not at a point that I understand how 
to apply it.  I am not that familiar with VMWare and the VMWare guys are not 
that familiar with TSM (other than installing on Windows guests).

- DISKpart is run on the windows OS command line of the backup proxy.
nothing to do with VMware.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software & Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services
zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will never 
use email to request that you reply with your password, social security number 
or confidential personal information. For more details visit 

From:   Shawn Drew <shawn.d...@americas.bnpparibas.com>
Date:   01/09/2012 03:14 PM
Subject:        Re: [ADSM-L] Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual
Sent by:        "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>

I actually found the manual to be very helpful and direct.  I prefer the PDF 
form.  I'm not a fan of the newer infocenter format.


I set it up step-by-step as the manual describes and it is working well.
You just need to play around with it to make sure you understand the concepts.  
(I.E. Data Center nodes, the way you restore using the recovery agent by using 
a virtual mount, etc)

Just make sure you do the "diskpart" thing on your backup proxy.  Things should 
be pretty safe after you've done that.  (search the PDF for

Shawn Drew


01/09/2012 12:18 PM
Please respond to


Re: [ADSM-L] Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments


My VMWare guy has the most questions.  Can I forward your direct email address 
to him?

I too will have questions from the TSM/server side since I have never setup 
anything like this.  Seems like LAN-FREE is the way to configure but I have 
never done anything like that, either.
Zoltan Forray
TSM Software & Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services
zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will never 
use email to request that you reply with your password, social security number 
or confidential personal information. For more details visit 

From:   Kenneth Bury <kenbu...@gmail.com>
Date:   01/09/2012 12:03 PM
Subject:        Re: [ADSM-L] Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual
Sent by:        "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>

I have install the TSM for VE v6.3 and I am interested what you would expect to 
see in the 'cookbook'. What I hear discussed the most is the architectural 
choices that you can make using TSM for VE, like whether to use client-side 
de-dupe, LAN-free, virtual or physical data movers, etc.
Once you figure out what you want to make, the recipe is straight forward.
Sort of like cooking eggs, lots of different methods but it's still the same 
egg and close to the same taste.

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 11:06 AM, Vandeventer, Harold [BS] < 
harold.vandeven...@da.ks.gov> wrote:

> We are also looking for that "cookbook."
> ------------------------------------------------
> Harold Vandeventer
> Systems Programmer
> State of Kansas - Department of Administration - Office of Information 
> Technology Services harold.vandeven...@da.ks.gov
> (785) 296-0631

Ken Bury

Client Technical Professional


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