Hello, This isn't a TSM question just more of a reintroduction. A year ago I was let go from saic when my wife was transferred to Dallas. Although we all know it's possible to manage the system remotely, and knowing they have offices in Plano, I expected to work from here, especially since the DR site is here, but that wasn't to be so I've been out of TSM work since then. I recently rejoined the list to keep in touch and somewhat up to date, While I've had a few calls unfortunately all have unded up in me being "over qualified" as they say. I would have preferred an offer and given an opportunity to make the decision to accept no matter what the work or pay but none have worked out that way unfortunately. While driving Zamboni's for 15 years helped me land work in Allen, it isn't quite the same, nonetheless it helps pay bills. Hope you guys are all well, I see many of the same names, Richard, Andrew, Bill and others so I'm glad to see the community is hanging together.
Geoff Gill Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android