
Would someone please tell me if there is a TSM for VE demo site that someone on 
our team could log onto to get a feel for how it works? We are looking for a 
better/easier way to back up the servers in our virtual environments, but would 
like to have a hands-on type session, if possible, before making a purchase.

Our IBM Tivoli Sales Rep has been unable to get this information for us and I 
would very much appreciate a little help.

Thank you,

Pam Pagnotta
Sr. Systems Engineer 
Energy Enterprise Solutions (EES), LLC 
Supporting IM-621.1, Enterprise Service Center East
Contractor to the U.S. Department of Energy  
Office: 301-903-5508  
Email: pam.pagno...@hq.doe.gov 
Location: USA (EST/EDT)

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