Thanks Ian, that's good data.

I can quickly add to that a 33GB db export file of a mixed data TSM 5.5
server grew to 55GB on 6.2.3 before dedupe started.
After it deduped 30TB of data the db grew to 205GB in size.
70% space saved due to dedupe btw ..whoohoo!! :-)

On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Ian Smith <> wrote:

> On 18/10/11 16:06, Allen S. Rout wrote:
>> That's fantastic.  Do you chance to recall a first approximation of what
>> your DB sizes were when you left V5?
>> - Allen S. Rout
> Catching up with the list so apologies for being late on this thread ...
> We ran server-to-server migrations from v5.5 to 6.1 October last year
> and I've listed the stats we gathered at the time below. The extracted
> figure was the one reported by the extractdb function - the script
> reports at the end something like:
> ANR1389I EXTRACTDB: Wrote xxxx bytes
> This extracted figure was very much lower than the figure we got from a
> quick 'total used pages x 4k' calculation at v5.5 - indicating either a
> significant amount of empty space / fragmentation in the old DB - or
> just a lot of duplicate records/data.
> The V6 figure is (if memory serves) the result of the calculation from
> 'q db f=d' of the Total Used Pages on first run up after migration to
> v6   times 16k (page size)
> Server Instance
> Extracted (GB)
> V6 DB (GB)
> Archive server
> 5.96
> 9.9
> Desktop backup 1
> 109.18
> 172.03
> Server backup 1
> 114.24
> 197.70
> Desktop backup 2
> 104.77
> 165.66
> Server backup 2
> 131.03
> 229.22
> Desktop backup 3
> 105.25
> 159.91
> Server backup 3
> 99.37
> 173.47
> Desktop backup 4
> 76.02
> 118
> Server backup 4
> 29.38
> 47.3438
> Hopefully the table above will display properly. There was a mix of
> client data from several versions within each server instance, but with
> a generally 'older' client profile in the Archive server and instances
> #1 with some of this data originating from version 2 clients. Instances
> #4 on the other hand held data only from version 5 clients.
> To briefly characterise the data, it was derived from a mix of windows,
> linux, osx, solaris and netware clients (in decreasing numbers
> respectively - windows clients make up around 55% of our client base).
> The desktop backups contained only a few System Object / State type
> backups - these were the only backup groups we support ( i.e. no
> backupsets ). Server backups - consisted of significantly more System
> Objects, plus a handful of backups from SQL-DB and Exchange-DB clients.
> I don't know how, or if, any of the above had any bearing on the sizings
> we saw.
> Finally, for validation, we ran a bunch of select count(*) on the v5.5
> and v6.1 dbs , ran them though some sed | grep | awk 'thing' to cleanse
> and standardise the output and then ran diff. We also did some random
> content queries as well. All was well and we were happy.
> Finally finally, I accord with the comments on resourcing your TSM DB
> instances - the figures reported in the best practices only ever seem to
> move in one direction ...
> Ian Smith
> Oxford University Computing Services.
> England

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