Does it not work or is it only not supported ?


On 24.10.2011 07:26, Stefan Folkerts wrote:
>>> But there's plenty of rather bad news here. V6.3 servers and
> clients cannot interoperate with V5.5 clients and servers.
> I wonder if this is also true for server-to-server communication because
> that is the number one way to migrate from 5 to 6...for smaller
> configurations anyway.
> It's probably "just" a support issue and nothing technical, I suspect it
> will work just fine...but still if this hold true for server-2-server
> exports it's a pretty big pain.
> On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 9:55 PM, Roger Deschner <rog...@uic.edu> wrote:
>> That's wonderful. And the TSM 6.3 Mac client supports OSX 10.7 "Lion",
>> which is important to us.
>> But there's plenty of rather bad news here. V6.3 servers and clients
>> cannot interoperate with V5.5 clients and servers. So Mac Lion cannot
>> back up to a V5.5 server. This also makes migration from V5.5 to V6.3 a
>> lot harder, because a V5.5 server cannot be a Library Client to a V6.3
>> Library Manager. The restriction that the Library Manager must be at the
>> same or higher release level than all of its clients means we will have
>> to completely eliminate all of our V5.5 TSM server instances before we
>> can migrate any of our instances to V6.3. That's going to be hard.
>> V6.3 has dropped support for a number of client and server platforms
>> that are still rather mainstream, such as AIX 5.3, Windows XP (still 50%
>> of our clients), Windows Server 2003, any 32-bit Linux. See it all at:
>> http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21243309
>> http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21302789
>> Looks like we can't go beyond V6.2 for quite a while, except for a few
>> V6.3 clients who will be restricted to our new V6.2 server that's
>> currently in test mode.
>> IBM: Supporting V6.3 interoperablility with V5.5 would help a LOT, at
>> least for some limited pain areas, such as Library Manager
>> configurations, and an Apple Mac client that can run on OSX 10.7 "Lion"
>> with a V5.5 server.
>> P.S. No documentation yet. The V6.3 infocenter is a broken link.
>> Roger Deschner      University of Illinois at Chicago     rog...@uic.edu
>>               Academic Computing & Communications Center
>> On Fri, 21 Oct 2011, Oscar Kolsteren wrote:
>>> Hi all, > > > >Don't know if this was already posted here, but TSM 63
>> is now available >on the Passport Advantage page > > > >Best Regards, >
>>> Oscar > > >
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