On Sep 29, 2011, at 12:30 AM, Daniel Sparrman wrote: > I'm not fully aware of how the DD replicates data, but if you have > 15-20TB/day being written to your main DD, and that data is then replicated > to the off-site DD, how much data is actually replicated? > > With a 1Gbs connection, you could hit values up to 360GB/s hour (expecting > 100MB/s which should be theoretically possible, but it's usually lower than > that on a 1Gbs connections) which means 8.6TB per 24 hours. So the data is > both deduplicated and compressed before you send it offsite?
It's certainly de-duped before being replicated; it's probably compressed as well, but that's less obvious to me. > Does the DD do the dedup within the same box, or require a separate box for > dedup? Same box, as an in-line process. They're very proud of that. Nick > Daniel Sparrman > Exist i Stockholm AB > Växel: 08-754 98 00 > Fax: 08-754 97 30 > daniel.sparr...@exist.se > http://www.existgruppen.se > Posthusgatan 1 761 30 NORRTÄLJE >