The problem with Delete/Define is that if your script is subscribed to a 
profile for distribution to other TSM servers you manage, you've just deleted 
from the profile implicitly and not re-associated it with the profile. 

Oddly enough, I hit a very similar problem today with UPDATE SCRIPT; the 
intermediate state of the script after some (but not all) updates was an 
invalid command, which blew up my UPDATE macro. That wasn't nice. 


On Sep 23, 2011, at 1:37 PM, Richard Sims wrote:

> Using Update Script is tedious and error-prone.
> The better approach is to manage your script as an OS file and then do
>    DELete SCRipt <ScriptName>
>    DEFine SCRipt <ScriptName> File=_______________
>  Richard Sims

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