Hi Guys Still mopping up after the power cut at the weekend :-(
I'm still having issue where intermittently, TSM stop being able to access al the drives. However, I 'think' I have narrowed the problem down to a specific drive. Now, when I'm looking at tape mounts during a backup of tapepool to copypool, I'm seeing the tape vol mounted in the (maybe) faulty drive as R/O. I understand that the tape is only being read from, but I have seen other volumes in other drives being read from, but still have a status of R/W. So, the short question. Where/when/why/how is the R/O flag set on the tape volume? Regards Farren ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Wiley & Sons Limited is a private limited company registered in England with registered number 641132. Registered office address: The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom. PO19 8SQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------