Hello all,

I'm currently testing the autodeploy feature of TSM 6.2. When creating a 
schedule, I deliberately did NOT check the autoreboot box in the wizard and, 
indeed, the generated command shows AUTODEPLOY=NOREBOOT. When the update ran, I 
happened to be RDPd into the server and got a popup asking me to logoff, 
shutdown was commencing. It looks like the update was successful, so what's up. 
FWIW, I was attempting a W2K3 6.2.2 => upgrade.


Stephen J. Stackwick  |  Senior Consultant  |  410.539.1135  |  
sstackw...@icfi.com  |  www.jasi.com<http://www.jasi.com>
ICF Jacob & Sundstrom  |  401 E. Pratt St, Suite 2214, Baltimore, MD 21202  |  
301.518.6352 (m)

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