As indicated, use multiple disks for db, and/or look into db2_parallel_io (see 
the redbook).

On 28 jul. 2011, at 17:50, Huebner,Andy,FORT WORTH,IT wrote:

> Does anyone have any "under documented" tuning tips for TSM 6.2 on AIX?  We 
> are going to build new systems next week.
> AIX 6.1
> P6 - 2 CPU 32GB RAM
> TSM 6.2.?
> Any SAN disk config I want. (within reason)
> All SAN disks are RAID 5 thin provisioned.
> Should I split the DB onto multiple drives?  (TSM 5.4 DB is 165GB @ 70% used)
> Separate log drive, but how big?
> Thank you,
> Andy Huebner
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Remco Post
+31 6 248 21 622

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