Since we are on the subject of Archive how do you check the size of a Archive?
Fileset ADOCGWS_10-30-2009 The following was tried q filespace reports dochub\restore: q ar dochub\restore: q ar dochub\restore: (tried appending /, \, /*, \*) same results Then tried q ar -subdir=yes dochub\restore: Same results, no files have previously been archived for "dochub\restore:" Thanks -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Prather, Wanda Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 1:49 PM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: Archiving problem Responses at bottom: ======================================================================= I have a client system administrator attempting to archive files with a command like: dsmc archive '/CMS/oldpatients/039*' -subdir=y -archmc=ro_patient \ -description='Xio 4.51 07/19/2011 ND' Files that are in oldpatients and have names starting with '039' get archived. In cases where a subdirectory of oldpatients has a name starting with '039' and contains one file, the subdirectory and the one file get archived. In cases where a subdirectory of oldpatients has a name starting with '039' and contains multiple files and further levels of subdirectories, neither the subdirectory nor any of its descendents get archived. The system uses TSM client code under Linux with a 2.6.9-42 kernel (probably RHEL 4). Is the client supposed to behave this way? If not, is a more current client code level likely to help? ====================================================================== If I understand your problem correctly, yes this is correct client behavior, and works the same in all subsequent client levels. This has always been a common trap, because if you look up "wildcard" in the client book, the first reference to it says "* is the match-all character". But if you keep reading, a later reference to "wildcard" says: "In a command, wildcard characters can only be used in the file name or extension. They cannot be used to specify destination files, file systems, or directories". So * is not a wildcard for matching directory names.