I've been playing with this recently...as Daniel indicated, it's pretty
easy to set up.

db2pd -hadr -db tsmdb1

Run from either the primary or secondary will give the status of the
connection, and which log files it's working on.

Failing over from primary -> secondary is also straight forward.  Where
I ran into a problem was trying to fail back...that didn't seem to be as

I don't recall the exact steps, but I think what I did was to stop DB2
on both the primary and secondary, then restart DB2 and HADR on the
secondary as standby.

On the primary, I tried to start HADR as primary, and it wouldn't start.
 I wound up doing a "db2 rollforward db tsmdb1 to end of logs and
complete", after which it came back up, and I was able to get it to
resume its role as primary.


On 06/15/2011 10:51 AM, Prather, Wanda wrote:
I'm interested in hearing from folks using it.

> From the presentation, I am uneasy at all the cmd-line DB2 setup commands 
required to use it, and wonder if it's suitable for a shop with no in-house DB2 

Once it's set up, how much time/expertise does it take to monitor/manage it?
In fact, how do you monitor it at all?

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Steven 
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 3:19 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM 6.x and HADR

I might be hijacking the thread (excuse me) so I'll change the subject too.
Is there already an official announcement of TSM 6.x and replicating
the database by means of HADR?

It is supported:
But it aint free, you have to purchase a DB2EE license for it.

As for who is using it, I'm sure I recall someone on the mail list was doing it 
a few weeks back.


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