Hi Del:

Perfect!  Thanks for the link to the technote.

Question:  When you mentioned we will also need a Data Protection for Exchange 
fix, did you mean: "Ensure Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange Server is 
updated to version or above" (as mentioned in the technote)?  Or, is 
there truly a 'fix' for DP for Exchange that we also need?  If so, would you 
also happen to know the link to that DP for Exchange fix?


Danny Schmanny

From: "Del Hoobler" <hoob...@us.ibm.com>
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TDP Exchange indiviual mailbox restore failure


There is a Microsoft fix, but you will also need a Data Protection
for Exchange fix. It is documented in this technote:





"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu> wrote on 05/24/2011
04:08:44 PM:

>> From: Danny Schmanny <danny.schma...@lgca.org>
>> To: ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu
>> Date: 05/25/2011 08:19 AM
>> Subject: Re: TDP Exchange indiviual mailbox restore failure
>> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu>
>> Greetings ADSM-L List Subscribers:
>> I am 'replying' to an existing ADSM-L list 'subject' (hoping this
>> Here is the current configuration on both of our Exchange 2010
>> Mailbox Servers:
>> OS: Windows 2008 Server R2, 64bit
>> B/A-Client:
>> TDP Exchange:
>> TSM Server: on Windows 2003 R2, 64bit
>> About 7 months have gone by since the topic 'TDP Exchange
>> Individual Mailbox Restore Failure' has been commented on.  I have
>> a few questions that I have been tasked to find the answer to:
>> Question 1: Did I miss the promised bug fix Microsoft was going to
>> provide to resolve individual mailbox restores?  For example, is
>> there another post that addresses the 'fix' besides this one?
>> Question 2: It has been commented on that the CAS role needs to be
>> installed on the mailbox server.  Does the mailbox server need to
>> contain actual mailboxes for the restore to work?  Or, could a
>> mailbox server with the mailbox server role (but not actually
>> hosting any mailboxes) have the CAS role installed on it and be
>> able to have a mailbox restored to it?  (Kind of a workaround
>> solution - just not sure the mailbox server needs actual mailboxes
>> in order for the restore to work).  What we want to achieve is
>> getting a temporary mailstore that is not in Production to retrieve
>> the actual e-mail messages
>> Question 3: How successful has anyone been with restoring the
>> mailbox 'elsewhere' and using a tool (third party or other) to get
>> to the messages for restore purposes?
>> Question 4: How do I change my contact (e-mail address) on the
>> listserv (as I am no longer schma...@lgca.org but rather
>> danny.schma...@lgca.org)?
>> Thanks for any nudge in the right direction.
>> Danny Schmanny


Danny Schmanny

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