The last time I tried using FILE class storage devices, admittedly more than 
two years ago, just this situation led me to make small DISK pools to receive 
incoming data and then migrate to FILE storage pool volumes. This reduced -- 
but did not eliminate -- the volume of those message triplets. 

I don't remember if FILE device classes can take a "mount retention" parameter, 
but if they do, increasing the mount retention would help, too.

Hope this isn't too obvious,

On May 20, 2011, at 4:09 PM, Vandeventer, Harold [BS] wrote:

> TSM 6.2 on Windows.
> Clients backup to a pool setup for deduplication; a File Sequential that is 
> on disk, not tape.
> We're seeing hundreds of messages appear in the log in this pattern:
> ANR8340I FILE volume H:\Dedup\000000A4.BFS mounted.
> ANR0511I Session xx opened output volume H:\Dedup\000000A4.BFS.
> ANR0514I Session xx closed volume H:\Dedup\000000A4.BFS.
> Six clients running an INCR created 353 entries of that pattern.
> Is there a way to suppress the messages?
> When we grow to 100+ nodes on this server will the activity log be filling 
> with too much unneeded information?

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