In general the way I understand this would work is that if you are
using server to server to send data to the remote TSM server, then you
will need to license it. If it is just sitting waiting for a DB
restore and moving of tapes, then it does not need to be licensed. It
falls back to the active/passive active/active philosophy, similar to
clustering the TSM server. If they are both active at the same time,
then you need licenses.
Hope this helps.
Gary Bowers
Itrus Technologies
On May 11, 2011, at 9:57 AM, Thomas Denier wrote:
-----David Tyree wrote: -----
We are thinking about adding an additional TSM server
to our environment to use for an offsite DR. Basically we would
duplicate our onsite data to the new offsite TSM server.
How would we go about licensing for the additional
server? Or does it matter?
There doesn't seem to be any source for authoritative answers to most
questions about TSM licensing. However, my best guess is as follows:
You will need value units for the system hosting the new offsite
unless you already have the system licensed for some reason. You will
need the same number of value units you would need if you going to
install TSM client software on the same hardware and have it send
backups to an existing TSM server.
You will not need any additional value units for the client systems
that have backups stored on one TSM server now and will have backups
stored on two TSM servers in the future.