I ran into an odd issue, and it took me a while to figure out the cause. I'm posting this because I found very few hits about lvmread.c, and none matched. Most gave info about memory consumption, which is no factor here.
If you have to replace the OS on your TSM server, and you're not using AD, then be sure to re-take ownership of the storage volumes. I didn't notice problems with the FILE class stgpool volumes, but the DBB/DBS volumes, BACKUP DEVCONFIG, PREPARE, etc did fail. This kind of problem is more likely if you lose your user DB, because windows uses machine IDs to generate userIDs, and you don't really get to make your own UIDs. So, if you use AD and lose the user DB, or if you're not using AD and you replace the host but keep the stg drives, then this will be an issue. Here's a sample of the output, with the thread context reports omitted: 2011-04-11 06:00:30 ANR1360I Output volume H:\TIVOLI\TSM\SERVER1\02519629.DBS opened (sequence number 1). (SESSION: 2390, PROCESS: 234) 2011-04-11 06:00:30 ANR0132E lvmread.c(1245): Memory allocation failed: object Resync read page buffer, size 4096. (SESSION: 2390, PROCESS: 234) 2011-04-11 06:00:30 ANR9999D_1112316882 (iccopy.c:1625) Thread<26>: Unable to read from db volume. (SESSION: 2390, PROCESS: 234) 2011-04-11 06:00:30 ANR9999D Thread<26> issued message 9999 from: (SESSION: 2390, PROCESS: 234) 2011-04-11 06:00:30 ANR9999D_2749162976 (icback.c:406) Thread<26>: Backup rc=6. (SESSION: 2390, PROCESS: 234) 2011-04-11 06:00:30 ANR9999D Thread<26> issued message 9999 from: (SESSION: 2390, PROCESS: 234) 2011-04-11 06:00:30 ANR4581W Database backup/restore terminated - internal server error detected. (SESSION: 2390, PROCESS: 234) 2011-04-11 06:00:30 ANR9999D Thread<26> issued message 4581 from: (SESSION: 2390, PROCESS: 234) 2011-04-11 06:00:30 ANR9999D Thread<26> DB08C000 Unknown (SESSION: 2390, PROCESS: 234) ... -JD