I have tried the autodeploy feature and like it.  Yes it has been problems, 
mostly because IBM failed to keep the ftp-server compatible with the autodeploy 
feature (wrong case in a file name and later a corrupt xml-file), but now it 

I recommend everyone to try it.  It is easy to setup and use from admin center. 
You can use it from the cmd-line, but I would start with the admin center. The 
wizard will help you to get every detail right the first time. Later you can 
"steal" the commands that admin center is using and do it from cmd-line.  

Actually it is more or less standard TSM that upgrades TSM.  Import node, 
Scripts, dmsc retrieve, schedules and reports to actlog. There is nothing 
really magic.  Just pure TSM.

IBM:  When you release a new client or XML-file to the ftp-server, please test 
it first! (Or send me an email and I will test it for you).

Anders Räntilä

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