
We do not use TDP.
We use script for backup the VM.

As you can see in my previous message, our script make a snapshot, backup the 
file and then remove the snapshot.
The use this script on 40 ESX servers.

Grégory Molin
Tel : 0141628162

-----Message d'origine-----
De : ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] De la part de 
Harris, Chad E
Envoyé : mardi 22 mars 2011 14:45
Objet : Re: [ADSM-L] TSM snapshots for VMs


Are you using the TSM for Virtual Environments TDP along with these scripts or 
something else?


Subject: Re: TSM snapshots for VMs

Hello Chad,

In our environment, we use TSM for TSM backups.
Each ESX Server is member of one proxynode.
We built a backup script from a config file. this file contains VMs to be

dsmc i  -asnode=ESXPROD /vmfs/volumes/SERVER/SERVER.vmx
vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/SERVER/SERVER.vmx createsnapshot Snapshot_SERVER
Desc_SERVER 0 0
dsmc i  -asnode=ESXPROD -filelist=/vmfs/volumes/file_list_SERVER.txt
vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/SERVER/SERVER.vmx removesnapshots

The file_list_SERVER.txt contains the list of file to ba backuped.

I hope that will help

Grégory Molin<>
-----Message d'origine-----
De : ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] De la part de
Harris, Chad E
Envoyé : lundi 21 mars 2011 14:52
Objet : [ADSM-L] TSM snapshots for VMs

Fellow TSM admins,

I am curious if anyone else out here has been given the task to provide backups
of the VMware infrastructure via TSM.  I know it might be too early to be
asking this question due to the newness of the TSM VMware TDP, but any insights
that can be given will be helpful and gratefully appreciated.

Our current virtual environment has somewhere in the neighborhood of 1700 (+)
VMs.  Currently the Virtualization team has been utilizing another product 
(which shall remain nameless) to perform weekly full snapshots.  This product
has worked reasonably well up until this point in time but now they are finding
that they have outgrown the products ability to provide these snapshots.

The problem sounds easy enough to fix right; however the problem we are having
is that the Virtualization team has traditionally only been providing backups
for the first 35 GB of the primary disk, so essentially they were only
providing snapshot restorations for the OS and nothing else.  I realize that we
could go in and have the system admins install and configure TSM on ever-single
VM that needs these snapshots and then utilize include-exclude parameters to
only backup what needs to be backed up but we were more interested in the idea
of using proxy servers to run the virtual snapshots.

Taking all of this into consideration our question is this, is there a way to
configure the settings on the proxy server so that it will only backup the 
primary disk on each virtual server?

Chad Harris


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