Pam, In Feb, Dave Canan gave a TSM v6.2.2 Technical Update where he discussed, among other things, reorgs and how to tell if they are happening. You can download the presentation from David >>> "Pagnotta, Pam (CONTR)" <> 3/21/2011 4:42 PM >>> Hello, Would someone please tell me if they are seeing ANR0293I and ANR0294I messages in their version 6.2.2 activity log? These messages have to do with the start and finish of automated reorganizations. I have told Level 2 support about 10 times, now, that I have never seen these messages in our logs, but I have not been able to get an answer as to why. We keep 120 days of activity log, so I have to believe that if these messages were actually being propagated, I would have seen them at least once in the past year. Do you know how to verify that automated reorganizations are running? I cannot find any indication that they are running successfully, failing or not running at all, and so far, the Level 2 Support people who have tried to help me also do not know how to determine this. It seems the answer is that since TSM is controlling the reorganizations, DB2 will not be reporting on them. We have a fairly large TSM database, 544GB with 466GB in use. I am fairly certain that with so little freespace, automatic, online reorganization of the larger tablespaces will not happen, but I have no way of verifying if TSM is even trying. I appreciate any feedback. Pam Pam Pagnotta EES, LLC, Contractor to the United States Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20585 Office: 301 903-5508 Mobile: 301 326-7296 Email: