Hi All

I recently re-discovered that you can't put wait=y on an EXPORT
command.  I wanted to run ISSUE MESSAGE after it had finished as I had a
user who was keen to know when the import side of this had finished.
You can't do that.

I also note that in TSM V6 there is no wait=y on  IDENTIFY DUPLICATES.
My thinking is that the high-level sequence for daily housekeeping,
where the time is available, would be

backup stgpools
backup stgpools again
backup db
backup volhist
backup devconfig
move drm
expire inventory
identify duplicates
reclaim (at least the file pools)
copy activedata

But without a wait=y on the identify step we are forced back to the bad
old days of scheduling a query into the future and branching on the
result.  Ecch.

Is there any reason not to have a wait=y on the export? (maybe because
you can suspend it?).  Is there any reason not to have a wait=y on the
identify?  What am I missing, and how are the rest of you doing this?



Steven Harris
TSM Admin Paraparaumu New Zealand

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