Thanks Andy and Marcel..

I was hoping for a quick fix.  As I said the rexx script is ugly and I'm
afraid that any attempt to modify it will break it.  Looks like I'll
have to write a shim to correct the format, but I might take the
opportunity to use -commad on the 6.2 instances.



On 10/03/2011 11:40 AM, Andrew Raibeck wrote:
Hi Steve,

Off-hand I'm not sure what changed in the output formatting, but have you
looked into use the "-tabdelimited" and "-dataonly=yes" options on the
dsmadmc command line? This should overall make parsing much easier than
trying to handle the default formatting. For example:

    dsmadmc -id=adminid -pa=secret -tabdelimited -dataonly=yes
-outfile=select.out select node_name, status, result, ...

Best regards,

Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product Development
Level 3 Team Lead
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Hartford/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail:

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page:

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"<>  wrote on 2011-03-09

From: Steve Harris<>
Date: 2011-03-09 17:18
Subject: 6.2 output formatting
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"<>

  Hi All

  I've inherited a Rube Goldberg reporting system where TSM queries are
  run against systems, and the results from all the TSM instances, then
  run through a very ugly rexx script to produce a consolidated csv file
  for each day.  This is then further processed by some rather opaque VBA
  and the end result is a consolidated backup spreadsheet for each
  customer, for the whole month.

  The issue I have is that with a admin client (on windows) and a
  5.5 server the TSM query output looks like...

  NODE_NAME                      STATUS              RESULT
  --------------------------     ----------     -----------
  ----------     --------     ----------     --------
  ADCMOHTSM01-BA                 Completed                0
  2011-03-09     20:00:00     2011-03-09     20:00:08
  ARTHUR                         Completed                4
  2011-03-10     00:30:00     2011-03-10     00:31:54
  AT1RTJA                        Completed                0
  2011-03-10     03:30:00     2011-03-10     03:30:39

  But with the same admin client and a server I get

  NODE_NAME              STATUS                       RESULT
  ------------------     ------------------     ------------
  -----------     ---------     -----------     ---------
  KDCUNITSM00-BA         Completed                         0
  2011-03-09      08:00:00      2011-03-09      08:00:04

  KDCUNITSM00-BA         Completed                         0
  2011-03-09      10:02:16      2011-03-09      10:05:39

  KDCUNITSM00-BA         Completed                         0
  2011-03-09      11:07:00      2011-03-09      11:07:02

  I can cope with the column spacing being different, but the blank lines
  are throwing the rexx script into a tight loop.

  I've tried sqldisplaymode wide/narrow with no effect, and the problem
  persists if I drop the number of fields in the output, so its not that
  the line is just full enough to overflow.

  Any ideas on how to get around this?



  Steven Harris
  TSM Admin Paraparaumu New Zealand

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