Hello Gary, hopefully you have had your questions answered by now, but if not then let me chime in.
Before I begin, let me warn you that my experience with TSM 6.2 is on Aix, so some things may not apply to RedHat Enterprise Linux. For myself, the "correct" directory layout is a mixture of personal preference (the way we do things here) and how things work (The Tivoli way). There are likely some commonalities in the Tivoli way that can be applied to different sites and likely between similar operating systems like Aix and Linux. For myself on Aix, the big problem was trying to determine the difference between Instance ID and Instance Owner, which the tivoli docs use almost interchangeably, but are still quite different. For my example, I'll use tsminst1 as the Instance ID and tsmserv1 as the Instance Owner. By default on Aix TSM will install to /opt/tivoli/tsm, so this directory and subdirectories will contain your TSM Server Code, DB2 Code and Administration Center. By default on Aix, a userid created will have it's home directory in /home/username, which for tsmserv1 means /home/tsmserv1, however for my purposes I changed this home directory to /opt/tivoli/tsm/tsmserv1. I also create an Instance directory in tsmserv1's home directory called tsminst1, with tsmserv1 as the owner with at least 700 permissions. I do this because the text console installer requires an instance directory, but will not create it automatically (or at least didn't for me). A note of warning, on Aix TSM will put quite a bit of stuff into this directory (/opt/tivoli/tsm/tsmserv1/tsminst1 in my example), so make sure you have space available. The text console installer on Aix is not very complicated, and doesn't seem to give the same options as the gui installer, but it's enough to get the job done. ./install.bin -i console -. Pick A Language -->2 (English) -->Enter -. Welcome -->Enter -. License Agreement -->1 -->Enter -. Component Selection -->1,2 (TSM Server & TSM Devices) -->Enter -. Setup Instance User ID (Defaults to tsmserv1) -->Enter Password -->Enter -. Pre-Installation Summary -->Enter (Accept Defaults) After I installed TSM, I needed to configure it, and unfortunately I couldn't get the text console to work so these notes are for the Gui (but still might be of interest to you). cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin ./dsmicfgx -->Next Enter in userID/Password of Instance Owner UserID : tsmserv1 PAssword: xxxxxxxxx -->Next Enter in Instance Directory /opt/tivoli/tsm/tsmserv1/tsminst1 (you will need to create this directory first, 770 owner tsmserv1.tsmserv) -->Next Enter in DAtabase directories Click on radio button for "The database directories are listed below" Enter in /tsm/db2/tsminst1 in the text box -->Next Specify the directories for the database recovery logs (all directories/filesystems will need to be created first) Active log size: 42GB Active log directory: /tsm/db2active/tsminst1 Primary archive log directory /tsm/db2archive/tsminst1 Secondary archive log directory /tsm/db2archivef/tsminst1 -->Next Specify configuration information for the server Server Name: xxxxxxxxx Server Language: English Check radio button next to "Start the server automatically using the instance user ID" -->Next Specify a TSM admin Administrator name: xxxxx Administrator Password: xxxxxxxxxx (it checks password length) Verify password xxxxxxxxxx -->Next Server Communications Client Port: 1500 Admin Port 1500 -->Next Verify Config -->Next WAIT The Configurator will need the Instance owner to run your TSM instance, I am choosing to run it as tsmserv1 and as such tsmserv1 need full permissions to the directories that correspond to your tsm instance it's running. So tsmserv1 has full permissions to the Instance Directory (/opt/tivoli/tsm/tsmserv1/tsminst1), the Active log directory (/tsm/db2active/tsminst1), The Primary archive log directory (/tsm/db2archive/tsminst1), the Secondary archive log driectory (/tsm/db2archivef/tsminst1), the DB2 Instance (/tsm/db2/tsminst1) and basically any other directory you want to use with that instance (tsminst1). Going to have diskpool? Then tsmserv1 needs full permissions to the directory you are going to setup for diskpool? Want to perform a database backup to disk, then tsmserv1 needs full permissions to that directory as well. Once you understand how things change a bit running TSM as a non-privileged account vs the old method of using root...It becomes easier to understand what directories need to be owned (or have write access to) the Instance Owner (vs the Instance ID). Now, in my setup I plan on having multiple Instances each with their own Instance Owner, and with their own filesystems/directories. I wouldn't be surprised if you could have multiple instances each owned by the same instance owner. You could of course also just run everything as root and not worry about permissions (like it was done is the old 5.x days) Hopefully my explanation helps you with your #1 and #2 questions. Good Luck. Jonathan Kaufman |------------> | From: | |------------> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |"Lee, Gary D." <g...@bsu.edu> | >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |------------> | To: | |------------> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu | >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |------------> | Date: | |------------> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |01/25/2011 02:12 PM | >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |------------> | Subject: | |------------> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Directory layout for tsm server v6.2 on linux platform | >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |------------> | Sent by: | |------------> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu> | >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Finally got the tsm server install to run on our redhat enterprise linux v6 server. I am now confused on what the correct directory layout should be for a server instance. I went through the manual process of creating an instance, but when finished, there were a number of problems. 1. permission errors 2 things not ending up where it appeared they should go. It appears that most things default to the home directory of the instance user id. Should that be the instance directory as well? So far, the install guide seems less than clear on a propper layout. I am totally blind, so can't use the x-windows config tool, the admin centter is very painful, so doing all by hand. Some guideance here would be appreciated. Thanks again for the help. Gary Lee Senior System Programmer Ball State University phone: 765-285-1310 Visit us on-line at footlocker.com. The information in this e-mail, and any attachment therein, is confidential and for use by the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please return the e-mail to the sender and delete it from your computer. 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