Hi............. We have an IBM AIX Oracle DB server (IBM 7026-H80) that is using AIX V4.3.3.11, Oracle V8.1.7.4 using BMC backup/recovery software. Our TSM system is AIX V5.3.12.2 (IBM 9133-52A) using TSM V5.5.2.0. My boss wants to stop using BMC software and use TDP for Oracle. Can anybody answer these questions:
1) What version of TDP for Oracle must we use on the AIX Oracle DB server so we can correctly back/recover the Oracle DB V8.1.7.4?? 2) Since the TDP for Oracle would be such an old version (we think based upon AIX version support stop date of 31 Dec 2003), how do we receive the correct TDP software version w/proper TDP license. 3) We have asked a bunch of IBM VARs for input/answers and help except a good luck on this opportunity response. 4) What an DR opportunity if it happens!! Any suggestions/thoughts from the group??