
Great forum, some very good answers. I learn a lot.

I have a volume, the volume is unavailable:

08:11:05   TSMSRV01 : q vol * acc=unavail

Volume Name                             Storage              Device      
Estimated    Pct       Volume
                                                          Pool Name    Class 
Name   Capacity   Util       Status
------------------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  -----  --------
P00341L3                                       OFFSITE             IBM3584_D-   
 409.6 G   52.1  Filling

I have tried:

Update vol P00341L3 access=readw . But the volume is unavailable in again after 
after a while.

Also checked the volume into library, library checked the volume correctly out 

         Volume Name: P00341L3
             Storage Pool Name: OFFSITE
             Device Class Name: IBM3584_DEV
            Estimated Capacity: 409.6 G
       Scaled Capacity Applied:
                      Pct Util: 52.1
                 Volume Status: Filling
                        Access: Unavailable
        Pct. Reclaimable Space: 0.0
               Scratch Volume?: Yes
               In Error State?: No
      Number of Writable Sides: 1
       Number of Times Mounted: 6
             Write Pass Number: 1
     Approx. Date Last Written: 01/12/2011 12:12:11
        Approx. Date Last Read: 01/12/2011 05:49:09
           Date Became Pending:
        Number of Write Errors: 0
         Number of Read Errors: 0
               Volume Location:
Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable : No
Last Update by (administrator): BATCH
         Last Update Date/Time: 01/25/2011 21:03:44
          Begin Reclaim Period:
            End Reclaim Period:
  Drive Encryption Key Manager: None

What can I do??

Alex Sørensen
Server administrator

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