While I'm waiting on a call from support, has anyone seen database errors like these. I just upgraded to TSM v6.2.2.0 on AIX 5.3-12.02 and started getting these errors 15 minutes after the start of my backup window:
12/29/2010 22:14:15 ANR0171I dbiconn.c(1514): Error detected on 0:1026, database in evaluation mode. (SESSION: 112835) 12/29/2010 22:14:16 ANR2561I Schedule prompter contacting CLUSPSFT (session 112836) to start a scheduled operation. (SESSION: 55) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR0403I Session 112833 ended for node CLUSINST (). (SESSION: 55) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D_0645605689 tbOpenX(tbtbl.c:4587) Thread<103777>: Failure participating on transaction. (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D Thread<103777> issued message 9999 from: (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D Thread<103777> 0x000000010000d694 StdPutText (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D Thread<103777> 0x000000010000e13c OutDiagToCons (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D Thread<103777> 0x000000010000947c outDiagfExt more... (<ENTER> to continue, 'C' to cancel) (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D Thread<103777> 0x0000000100076eec tbOpenX (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D Thread<103777> 0x0000000100414c7c admElBuildClientVectors (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D Thread<103777> 0x00000001003edb7c smExecuteSession (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D Thread<103777> 0x000000010009ad48 psSessionThread (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D Thread<103777> 0x000000010001b688 StartThread (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR0101E admevent.c(1067): Error 16 opening table "Client.Eventrules". (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR0403I Session 112828 ended for node BRANPROD (). (SESSION: 55) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D_1910305017 smExecuteSession(smexec.c:2432) Thread<103777>: Session 112837 with client CLUSINST (NetWare) rejected - error creating the central logging vector. (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D Thread<103777> issued message 9999 from: (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D Thread<103777> 0x000000010000d694 StdPutText (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D Thread<103777> 0x000000010000e13c OutDiagToCons (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D Thread<103777> 0x000000010000947c outDiagfExt (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D Thread<103777> 0x00000001003edbac more... (<ENTER> to continue, 'C' to cancel) smExecuteSession (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D Thread<103777> 0x000000010009ad48 psSessionThread (SESSION: 112837) 12/29/2010 22:14:17 ANR9999D Thread<103777> 0x000000010001b688 StartThread (SESSION: 112837)