Maybe something simple like verifying TCPWIN on the receiving side is 2x
TCPBUF on th sender.
Set COMPRESS=NO to make sure you're not misreading retransmits.
Check topas during your local backup to itself.
Check nmon's disk stats during the backup to see if you've got a hot LUN.
Check the same from any disk perf monitoring.
Check errpt
Check your db2 logs for any sort of errors
With the XIV, streaming thruput should be fine.  It's only the IOPS that
will be weak.  Your physical limit would be around 16k IOPS, though you have
on-disk cache and write combining, as well as the 120GB of cache (8*15).
 You could run into some back-side 10GE saturation if your LUN pathing isn't
well balanced.

VIO servers also have some limitations.  If you're using VIO MPIO, are you
set for round robin at every stage?  By default, you'll be active/passive
between the two vscsi adapters, and then whatever you're doing for load
balance on the VIO servers.

Also, the VIO servers will need CPU to drive IOPS.  Check topas on the VIO
servers during your tests.

NPIV is preferred for lower latency through the VIO server, plus you can run
4-path multipath with load balancing on the client rather than having the
VIO server(s) muddle through.

Josh-Daniel S. Davis

On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 11:27, Andrew Carlson <> wrote:

> Hi all
> I am running TSM on AIX V615 in a LPAR on a P770.  The LPAR
> has 6 shared CPU's, 12 virtual CPU;s, and 64GB of memory.  There are 2
> VIO servers with 4 fiber channel connections to XIV storage for the DB
> and LOG, and 2 10Gbit Ethernet in each VIO in an Etherchannel
> configuration.  The storage pool is on Data Domain DD880's, 2 per AIX,
> 1 per instance.
> I am seeing consistenly poor performance from this setup.  I have
> tested network from VIO to cloud, and LPAR to VIO, which seems fine.
> I tested LPAR to Data Domain, and things seem fine.  But, when backups
> are running (and I only have a few nodes there yet, this is a new
> setup), TSM doesn't seem to want to go over 20 to 30MB/s throughput.
> I tried backing up the TSM server over lo, and that was a little
> better at 50MB/s, but not screaming.  I tried using chunk of SAN as a
> disk pool ahead of the Data Domain, no change.  I am at my whit's end.
> If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.  Thanks.
> --
> Andy Carlson
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gamecube:$150,PSO:$50,Broadband Adapter: $35, Hunters License: $8.95/month,
> The feeling of seeing the red box with the item you want in it:Priceless.

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