It really depends on what's been requested.  If you're talking about
capturing today's copy as it is on the client now, then backing them up to
different node names (in a different policy domain, even!) will probably be
easiest for future reference.  If you're talking about including historical
data, then it gets more complicated.  If you want the entire server, you can
copy the policy domain to another, change all the retentions on the
management classes to NOLIMIT, and move the nodes to the new domains.
Because the management class names haven't changed, it'll prevent the
expiration of inactive files.

On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 9:44 AM, Tim Brown <> wrote:

> How have others handled litigation issues where one is told to capture all
> folders for specific servers.
> You can copy them all to a read only system.
> You can take a backup of them with a different node name.
> You can export everything which would include active and inactive.
> You cant just pull all tapes since others have files there and it would
> cause havoc with relcamation.
> Any other thoughts, It seems no matter what  you do its a lengthy process.
> Tim

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