Hi Matt: We are on TSM 5.5.5 and are getting the same error so I'm glad to hear I'm not alone (I was wondering why the reports started erroring out like that). Below is the error I am seeing:
Session established with server STORSERVER: Windows Server Version 5, Release 5, Level 5.0 Server date/time: 10/04/2010 07:31:26 Last access: 10/04/2010 07:30:47 ANS8000I Server command: 'select DISTINCT occupancy.node_name"Node Name", SUM(occupancy.num_files)/2 AS "Grand Total To-Date of District Server Files Backed Up", SUM(occupancy.physical_mb)/2 AS "Grand Total To-Date of District Server Data Backed Up (MB)", occupancy.filespace_name"Volume" from Domains, Nodes, Occupancy where Domains.Domain_Name=Nodes.Domain_Name and NodesNode_Name=occupancy.Node_Name and Domains.Domain_Name='WESTGEAUGA' GROUP BY occupancy.node_name,occupancy.filespace_name' ANR2914E SQL identifier token 'OCCUPANCY.NODE_NAME' is too long; name or component exceeds 18 characters. | ...............V.............................................. select DISTINCT occupancy.node_name"Node Name", SUM(occupancy.n Regards, Danny Schmanny _______________________________________ From: Matthew G. Leis [matthew.l...@usbank.com] To: ADSM SubscriberList [ads...@vm.marist.edu] CC: Subject: [ADSM-L] Upgrade to TSM 5.5.5 causes ANR2914E from SELECT query Time: 10/5/2010 at 9:58AM After upgrading to TSM 5.5.5, we are unable to generate reports that rely on complex select queries to the database. This error is generated: ANR2914E SQL IDENTIFIER TOKEN NAME OR COMPONENT EXCEEDS 18 CHARACTERS Here is an example from EMC DPA: WARN 27564.27574 20101005:062907 clctr.mod.tsm.lib - getInfoFromSummary(): tsmGetCommandResults(summary) query SELECT summary.start_time, summary.end_time, summary.activity, summary.number, summary.entity, summary.schedule_name, summary.examined, summary.affected, summary.failed, summary.bytes, summary.successful FROM summary WHERE summary.end_time>='10/04/2010 04:32:32' AND summary.end_time<'10/05/2010 06:29:01' returned NULL WARN 27564.27574 20101005:062907 clctr.mod.tsm.job - _tsmGetCompletedJobsFromSummary(): failed to get summary information for tsmep13 WARN 27564.27574 20101005:062907 clctr.mod.tsm.job - processBackupJobEntries(): failed to get current jobs for tsmep13 WARN 27564.27572 20101005:065918 clctr.mod.tsm.lib - _tsmQuery(): error returned from server tsmep13: ANR2914E SQL identifier token 'SUMMARY.SCHEDULE_NAME' is too long; name or component exceeds 18 characters. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Thanks for any help, Matt. U.S. BANCORP made the following annotations --------------------------------------------------------------------- Electronic Privacy Notice. This e-mail, and any attachments, contains information that is, or may be, covered by electronic communications privacy laws, and is also confidential and proprietary in nature. If you are not the intended recipient, please be advised that you are legally prohibited from retaining, using, copying, distributing, or otherwise disclosing this information in any manner. Instead, please reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error, and then immediately delete it. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks. Danny Schmanny