
We added a NFS share to a Linux Client. In fstab this share is defined as:
server.domain.nl:/nfsmnt/sharch /nfssh          nfs     rw,hard,intr    0
This share is working fine, but when trying to make an incremental backup
nothing is in the backup of this share.

Testing to make an archived did work with this share.

In the dsm.sys file I changed the DOMAIN ALL-LOCAL in DOMAIN ALL-LOCAL
ALL-AUTO-NFS and in the file dsm.opt I added the line: AUTOMount nfssh
(not sure about the syntax).
I tried already different changes in the dsm.sys file. The only progress I
see is the /nfssh mountpoint is now listed in the overview of Restore, but
no files at all.

What do I have to change to make a successful backup this NFS-share?

Technical details:
TSM Server
Linux Client OS Red Hat Linux AS 3.0 (kernel 2.4.21-9) with TSM Client
NFS (EMC Celerra NX4)

Thanks in advance.

Geert Schepers

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