Hi All,

        I am running TSM 5.5.4 on AIX 5.3.7.  I am trying to use 'ssh-keygen
-t rsa' to create a public/private keypair so that I can create a script
that will automatically scp specific files to a remote site.  Obviously, I
do not wish to send the password in the clear, nor do I wish to incorporate
the password into the script itself.

        I created the key pair on the server I want to send the file from
and then copied the public key to the /home/(accountname)/.ssh directory of
the account I am using on the destination server but I am still getting
prompted for the password when using scp.

        The command I am using is:

scp -i identity_file file-to-be-copied

        Any help or alternative solutions that anyone can provide will be
immensely appreciated!  Thanks much!

Jim Neal
Sr. TSM Admin
UC Berkeley Storage and Backup Group


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