We are in the same situation - possibly changing from Win Servers (using
some kind of
microsoft replication) with BA client backups to NAS systems . . .about
+20tb of data also.
 So I'm also interested in any comments.

I've been reading the vendor manuals, TSM doc's and Redbooks, this mailing
list archive
and anything else that Google finds.

Here is what I "think" I've found out . .

2 ways to backup NAS:  BA client on a CIFS share,  and NDMP.

- uses full/incremental/differential backups
- ndmp on netapp can be either file level or block/volume level
- ndmp on celerra is only file level
- file level ndmp backups are still "file" backups - lots of little files
will STILL be a challenge!
- a tsm ndmp pool cannot be migrated, reclaimed, movedata'ed - not sure
about copy pools
- it's the tsm management class that determines how long the backup is

BA Client on a Share:
- no journal backups (it's not a win filsystem!)
- CIFS is slow - backups will take a long time
- you do get to keep using your normal TSM mgt class policies
- for netapp, there is a new snapdiff which provides journal like
capabilities (saw some emails that this was very good!)

The main point I've come away with is that switching to a NAS will not
solve our backup
problems  . . .just change problems somewhat.

I would appreciate any comments, additions, and especially  CORRECTIONS.



"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 06/23/2010
11:39:35 AM:

> We currently use traditional windows fileservers, but are being presented
with an "opportunity" to start using a NAS device.
> I've been reading up on NDMP, doesn't sound to me like NAS is the backup
admin's friend.
> Can anyone who has gone down this road share any of the biggest
> I seem to recall from several years ago that getting the backup data
offsite was an issue, but the NAS vendor claims this is no longer true.
> Currently using half a dozen fileservers to manage about 20TB of user
> Thanks,
> Steve Schaub
> Systems Engineer, Windows
> BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Please see the following link for the BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee
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