users always want the impossible. Ask them to describe what they want to 
achieve. Most likely, they just don't want to understand that TSM creates a 
full image on the server every day the backup runs (in simple terms), or they 
need archiving for compliance reasons. G-F-S is a really stupid system that 
needs to be avoided at any cost ;-)

Yes, if they fire you if you don't implement what they want rather than what 
they need, using different node-names is probably the best solution.

On 21 jun 2010, at 18:07, Bjørn Nachtwey wrote:

> Dear all,
> some of our users want to have a grandfather-father-son strategy using
> the tsm backup -- as far as i figured out, such a strategy is not part
> of the tsm approach.
> futher more i found an old discussion (Dec 2004) in the archive of this
> list, where Charles Hart supposed to do each of the backups using a
> different nodename that directs to different domains/management classes
> with adapted attributes.
> Is this still the way of realization or can I do something different?
> Especially if I want this straregy just for parts of the data?
> thanks,
> Bjørn

Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind Regards,

Remco Post
+31 6 248 21 622

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