
we have the same problem last year. The default for the db2 backup have
In the past the backup for the db2 full online/offlien backup was with
"exclude logs"
This have changed to "include logs".

After every full backup, the db2 instanz retrieve every recoverylog from
the tsm-server
have created at the time the backup runs.

Use "exclude logs"

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards

Michael Garnebode

ITSM Administrator
Integrated Technology Delivery, Geo Service Delivery
CC Rechenzentrum

Phone: +49-2132-131 x355  IBM Deutschland
Mobile: +49-171-1783561  Marienburger Strasse 28
E-Mail: garne...@de.ibm.com  40667 Meerbusch

IBM Deutschland Mittelstand Services GmbH / Geschäftsführung:  Ulrich
Hüllhorst, Torsten Beyer
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Neuss / Registergericht: Amtsgericht Neuss, HRB 6940

             Thomas Denier                                             
             FFERSONHOSPITAL.O                                          To
             RG>                       ADSM-L@vm.marist.edu            
             Sent by: "ADSM:                                            cc
             Dist Stor                                                 
             Manager"                                              Subject
             <ads...@vm.marist         [ADSM-L] Retrieves during DB2   
             .edu>                     backups                         
             18.06.2010 20:26                                          
             Please respond to                                         
             "ADSM: Dist Stor                                          

We have about a dozen TSM client systems with DB2 running under
x86 Linux. These systems use the TSM API interface built into DB2
to back up the DB2 databases. We always use separate node names
for DB2 backups and ordinary file backups. About half of the DB2
servers are using the level of the TSM API. Most of these
are more or less regularly retrieving archived files during DB2
backups. All of the retrieves come from the node names dedicated
to DB2 backups. We have two systems that have done retrieves every
day for the last thirty days, four that have done retrieves on
some but not all of the last 30 days, and one client that
has not done a retrieve within the last 30 days. None of the DB2
servers with older API code have done retrieves during the past
30 days.

OS levels for the DB2 servers performing retrieves are a mixture
of 2.4.21-27 and 2.6.18-16. OS levels for the other DB2 servers
are a mixture of the same two levels. Our TSM server runs under
mainframe Linux. The problem was first noticed with the TSM
server code at and has continued after a recent upgrade

Is there a way to stop the retrieves?

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